It is possible that your audiobook download was interrupted when you originally initiated the download process‚ which is typically caused by wifi or data signal loss. This can result in some tracks/chapters failing to completely download.

If this occurs, simply delete the incomplete download by holding your finger down on the book image on the "My Library" screen and choosing "Delete" from the dialog that appears. Afterward download it again by tapping the audiobook's cover image and choosing "Download" from the dialog box that appears. (Ensure that you have either "(No filter)" or "Not Downloaded" selected from the "Downloaded Filter" options menu, and "(No filter)" selected from the "Completed Filter" options menu. You can find the "Downloaded Filter" and "Completed Filter" in the menu that appears after tapping the menu icon in the upper right corner of the "My Library" screen (it looks like 3 stacked white dots) in the upper right corner of the "My Library" screen).

If this does not solve the issue please visit the FAQ page on our website ( for other possible solutions or contact support.